Friday, February 28, 2014

More ideas for Space Heater Thermostat

After studying up on quadrature encoders, I bought one from Sparkfun!

Rotary Encoder

While I was at it, I got the Mayhew Labs blue LED encoder ring board upon which to mount my encoder.

Rotary Encoder LED Ring Breakout Board - Blue

And a black plastic knob.

Originally, I wanted to use this quad encoder as a general purpose manual input adjuster. As it relates to my Space Heater project, I want a manual setpoint adjusting knob to control the level of heat being produced.

Later on I hope to have a better control system for my Space Heater to make it more useful as the "climate control" for my tabletop greenhouse.

I want a temperature sensor, a control knob, a thermostat,  and an LCD display of both setpoint (demand) and the output of the heater. Above and beyond that, the ability to monitor and control it from say, my Android tablet via WiFi. Yeah, pimp that puppy!!!

I control the heater with Pulse Width Modulation,  using a loaned TI MSP430G2 microcontroller board (thanks again Gus). I'm not sure if it will be up to doing all that, but if it can't, no problem.  I can use the Arduino.

I want to point out that I've gotten the LED display to respond to program inputs, but the quadrature encoder itself has never seemed to work.

After much digging and double checking I have convinced myself the encoder is functional, and that I've wired it up correctly to the proper pins on my Arduino Mega2560.  My friend Gus showed me how simple
it is to function check one of these encoders with an ohmmeter or two LEDs each with current limiting resistors in series, and a DC power source.

Oleg has written an elegant Tutorial & Example Sketch he makes available at the  Circuits@Home website's blog.  Oleg's function  uses a lookup table and some binary bit manipulation to implement a "state machine".

As I understand it this provides a sanity check by first reading the A and B pins simultaneously, and weeding out "illegal state changes". In other words, the function must return -1, 0, or +1 to indicate one incremental move either clockwise or counterclockwise, of the encoder shaft. the function is called many many times a second. This ensures a sampling rate that is sure to "catch" those twin-but-out-of-phase series of switch closures and openings.

This particular encoder has 12 "clicks" in one complete revolution of the encoder shaft, fortunately making it inexpensive for hobbyist and learning purposes.   These clicks are points where the encoders A and B terminals connect to momentarily to its ground or common pin using a mechanical switch.

Higher quality/price rotary quadrature encoders may have as many as 1024 points in on full revolution, and as a result provide far more resolution (and cost more!). Many of them are also employ optical "clicks"! They turn smoothly and avoid the problems associated with "bounce" prone mechanical switches.

The illegal (theoretically impossible or just plain meaningless) state changes, which could be due to electrical interference, bouncing switch contacts, broken wires, or bad timing,  are trapped and reported as 0, indicating no movement.

The heart of this function encoder_read() involves taking a snapshot of the logic levels of all the pins that belong to one "group" at the same time, which is important because you are monitoring two inputs, the encoder's A terminal and B terminal, in relation to time.

These A and B terminals make momentary contacts 90 degrees out of phase with each other, hence the term "quadrature". They are connected to digital input pins on the Arduino.

Setup involves enabling  the internal pullup resistors.  The digital input pins are set in the 1 state using digitalWrite().  When the encoder shaft turns, the switch contacts of the A and B terminals on the encoder pull their respective Digital Input pins on the Arduino low momentarily.

Oleg's example is written for an Arduino Pro, which has different pin numbers, names and PORT groupings than does my Mega2560. I've done a lot of digging to learn this much. Needless to say, when "it doesn't work" you end up learning far more about it than you expected to.

It is based on Mayhew Lab's example sketch, (which also uses Oleg's encoder_read() function) made freely available at their web site

I've been using debugging statements liberally sprinkled throughout this sketch to monitor what's going on, and it seems that when Oleg's encoder_read() function gets to the part about actually reading PINB, what it sees is that PB7, Pin 13 on my Arduino, is always high.

PINB = 10000000 prints out every time the loop calls the encoder_read function. I think that's pretty conclusive evidence...but of what I 'm not sure. This tells me PB7 is always HIGH and PB6 - PB0 are always LOW no matter how I twist that encoder knob.

Each of the 8 bits, 0-7 correspond to physical pins on the headers that form a PORTx group In this case, PORTB.

In my case I have my encoder hooked up to PINB, which includes PWM pins 6-13.

The Reference materials at caution that pins 6 ( PB0 ) and 7 (PB1) , are not usable being connected to the crystal pins. So I guess we don't care about those two.

I believe we only care about the changes that occur on PWM Pins 8, 9, and 10 (PB2, PB3, and PB4).

But they never change. Still trying to understand why.

That's the latest.

IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT (Internet of Things)

The Meetup website,, has been under Denial of Service attack lately for some reason or other. 
Here's a link that may work or not:

The Meetup

Last night at the Meetup we listened to Jim (Jingfeng Liu) of LinkSprite Inc., based in Longmont CO. 

Jim gave us a presentation on their company's powerful & versatile new micro-controller board (more like a PC actually)named pcDuino, seemingly designed to make techno-geeks like me salivate profusely. 

I WANT ONE!!! Maybe later after I've pushed my Arduino Mega 2560 to its limits, I'll move up. 

IoT deals with the idea of having all your clever personal electronics being able to communicate with each other and perform actions based on some plan. To somehow take care of those endless chores involved in managing our ever-growing list of "time saving/labor saving high-tech devices". 

IoT, I surmise, aims to give these devices the tools to manage themselves, to communicate with each other and you, to turn them into your own docile and well-trained electronic servants instead of a cloud of flies buzzing around your head demanding your constant attention. 

"Oh, there's an app for that."  

All well and good, but soon we have to have some "Uber-App" to rule them all (these one-trick ponies). Oh, and WHAT ELSE do these apps do(that you aren't supposed to know about)?

This is strangely similar to those wonderful plastic "discount cards" every retail chain would like you to carry around with you.

I don't want to carry a Rolodex around with me because all those "discount cards" won't fit in my wallet. And know that the card issuers are data-mining my every purchase.

This is another operational model designed to serve not you, but them.  

Home Automation seems to be near the bull's eye of this IoT target, with other subjects scattered around it.  

These words come to mind when I hear "IoT"

  • Communication 
  • Remote Monitoring & Control 
  • Networking

Now of course, many businesses and developers want to "cash in" on this new area of interest. 

I for one dislike the idea that for anything "new" to survive it must FIRST and FOREMOST be Profitable. How useful or functional it is seems to be a secondary consideration. Sad.

I'll offer the example of Micro$oft, whose "business plan" seems to be based on  making constant changes to their proprietary operating system Windows, and their big cash cow Office, and selling it over and over. 

They rush it out the door on a schedule that makes their code monkeys work overtime, weeping as they watch their management-imposed "deadline" approach, and forces you the consumer to beta test it for them (for free) while they feverishly work on rolling out an "upgrade" or a "patch" to make it do what they told you it would do. 

And of course Microsoft is infamous for its "security through obscurity" philosophy. It's like trying to build a dam out of Swiss cheese if you ask me.

The better developers want to make their gadgets play nice with everyone else's gadgets. Some keywords here are: 
  • Open Source Software
  • Open Source Hardware
  • Standardization
  • Interconnectivity
  • Interoperability.
The not-so-good developers (in my opinion) want to rush their proprietary walled-garden implementations to market, to gain "market share" and thereby try smother their competitor's "babies" in the crib.

I could start ranting about the evils of a capitalist economic model but I forgot to bring my soap box.

I am old enough to remember the market share race between VHS and BetaMax video recording and playback devices.  

BetaMax was far better but it "finished" in second place behind VHS and slid into disuse. 

About Technology In General 

The old saying about fire (and and later on, electricity) still holds true: 

It's a great servant but a terrible master. 

Get your hands on it, look "under the hood" -- learn about it, understand it, use it actively.

Don't be a passive consumer, trained to throw away "old stuff" and spend your money on the latest shiny new tech gadget.

I've worked for decades in the field of "automated remote control" as an Instrument & Controls Technician (we I&C Techs call it "Industrial Process Control") in large facilities: factories, chemical plants, electric power generation, pipeline.  
So this IoT business seems to me like the broader tech-aware public beginning to do many of the same things I've been working with most of my working life, with some new areas of application.

Now that I have more time on my hands, I'm beginning to seriously play with the popular new micro-controller  boards such as ArduinoTI LaunchPad, and SOC (System On Chip) boards such as GuruPlug, & Rasperry Pi.


In keeping with my personal values about reducing, reusing, recycling, I connect these shiny new tech toys to salvaged gear normally destined for the landfill, (or lately electronic recycling, which has become The Law not only for businesses but now for consumers as well, here in the Denver area).

Joe Public is slow to get the message (and comply).  "What? Now you want me to pay for recycling my hazardous waste? NOOOOoooooooo..."

I regularly scan curbs in my neighborhood for "free stuff" that the owners hope they won't have to pay to have hauled off, so I can salvage parts that are useful to me.

There are still TVs, Microwaves, Printers, Computers, Monitors, furniture, etc. being set out on the curb. it's an ecology of junk. I think that's great.

You have to get there fast, to beat the scrap metal salvagers... 
I set out the metal I don't use on MY curb...and that disappears! 

I disassemble broken or discarded devices and pull out the useful bits to reuse in my projects: LEDs, 7 segment displays, pushbuttons, potentiometers (and rarely, a quadrature encoder), stepper motors, sensors, wiring, discrete electronic components like voltage regulators, logic chips, op amps, LCD displays, etc.

I also dumpster dive for construction waste, scrap lumber/wire/sheet metal too. In lean times I have salvaged aluminum and other metals to sell at the scrap yard for money.

My Space Heater Thermostat project is described elsewhere in this blog.

I have incorporated that project into a little tabletop greenhouse I have put together (almost completely from salvaged/reused materials I might add). 

This year for my vegetable garden I want to try germinating my own seedlings instead of buying hothouse plants to transplant to my backyard. That involves controlling lighting and temperature   

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Space Heater Thermostat Project.

New project for a new year...

There are links in this blog. Words you might know, or not. Most of the links go to WikiPedia, "the free online encyclopedia". I'm a big fan of WikiPedia.

WikiPedia is edited by the general public, with some organizational oversight for consistency. To be sure, with hotly contested subjects, like religion or politics, there are actual "editing wars" going on continually but I feel pretty confident in the quality of entries on the sciences and technology.

   I do tinker with with my own Arduino ATMega2560  board, and a loaned Texas Instruments MSP-430G2553 board. Both of these are microcontroller boards.

   Both boards use an Integrated Development Envionment or IDE, which is in this case a free software download. The Texas Instruments I IDE, Energia, is a near clone of the preceeding Arduino IDE, both based on Wiring.

   Both let you create programs in an interpreted language (very similar in syntax to C++ or so I understand) that provides functions, data types, constants and conditional logic statements to get information, act on it in a defined way and provide outputs to the real world, to control electrical/electronic devices.

    These IDEs function to allow you to write code (referred to as "sketches") in an easy way and a compiler to turn your code into machine language, which is sent to the memory of the microcontroller on the board.
You can make your sketches public, share them as many are.

   What can these microcontroller boards do? Microcontrollers are at the heart of the controls of just about any modern gadjet that has a keypad and a display....the television, the remote controls you use, the microwave, dishwasher, clothes washer, dryer, house thermostat, your home security system, to name only a few. Want to build your own Home Automation system? You could do that now.

   Your car has at least one microcontroller, assuming it's 1980s or newer --- its Electronic Control Module or ECM. As you may be aware, these automotive microcontrollers are becoming the new hardware hacking frontier...for hot rodders old and new.

   Getting back on subject, these hobbyist-oriented microcontroller boards can be easily connected to additional circuits that are also inexpensive, well documented and easily constructed. And from there, you can connect to and control a wide range of devices, bring in information from sensors, connect to the's a techno-geek's dream come true.

   This is the power to create, put into the hands of the general Maker culture sometime if you want a little tour of technology as seen from the hobbyist's and tinkerer's point of view.

What, no posts for over a year? Ooooops...

Well into 2014, no posts for over a year? Ooooops...

Catching up:  I got my built-from-junk quadrature encoder assembled.

It seems my sensors (paper presence detectors from printers) are not up to the task of seeing through my transparent encoder wheel, printed in black ink on overhead projector transparency sheets.

I was amazed how EXPENSIVE that stuff is! 3M still makes it but $50 for a pack of 10 8.5 x 12 sheets?  Overhead projectors yeah, another "not-obsolete-but-abandoned" technology. \

I've noticed that as consumer grade tech rushes into the future, older but serviceable tech suddenly gets a little cheaper...then a LOT cheaper...then the price goes back the available stock dwindles down.  

Punching holes in my encoder wheel for the benefit of these sensors is out of the question.
I wouldn't be able to cut small enough holes accurately enough.

I will be investigating other sensors...light sensitive perhaps, not IR sensitive like the paper sensors.

I have been working on other projects...I'll mention them in another post.